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Biz New Orleans Catches Up with Thomas Nieto, CEO of Main Squeeze Juice Co., for an Exclusive Interview

Thomas Nieto throwing a grapefruit in the air. Three images.
Thomas Nieto confesses he never ate a vegetable his whole life. Then he tasted a Main Squeeze Juice Co. smoothie made without water, ice, fillers, or syrups, just what nature provides, and he was hooked. That was the lightbulb moment.

Rebecca Friedman, who writes for Biz New Orleans, spent time with CEO Thomas Nieto and asked him about business, his rise to ownership of fast-growing Main Squeeze Juice Co., and his take on the art of running a family business. She also asked him about his pivot from technology to juice and the company's plans for future expansion.

With 30 franchise locations and about 100 in development, Main Squeeze Juice Co. is building itself into a household name in the healthy living category. It's also becoming the name in juice concept franchising.

Check out the inspiring Biz New Orleans interview with Thomas Nieto. read more

(Photos by Edmund D. Fountain)


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